Creative Brand Communications

Dances (Naked) With Wolves.

The Eurovision Song Contest is, if you’re a staunch fan of England, a yearly exercise in frustration. We put forward a decent, catchy pop song only to see it shunned for political reasons. For many, though, The Eurovision Song Contest is a day of celebration; friends gather, sweepstakes and bingo are drawn up as we sing, dance and laugh at some of the insanity on show.

Standing out as a contestant isn’t easy though; the performances are loud, the outfits are outrageous and each song is as catchy as the last. To steal the show and make the headlines you’ll need some sort of edge…

Like being naked.


And performing with wolves.

This is a PR win for everyone involved. IVAN, the performer, his producer and the whole country of Belarus. Well, assuming the performance goes well. You can watch the performance below, NSFW warning though – there’s a bit of nudity in there.


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