July 28, 2015
Gone are the days of worrying about your pets being packed like sardines whilst flying are over, thanks to JFK Airport.
The ARK, which is a state-of-the-art, fully-serviced, 24-hour, airport facility that will import and export your horses, pets, birds and livestock.
The project is being overseen by the firm Gensler and will be open for jet-setting pets in 2016.
The $48 million facility will include climate-controlled departure lounges with food, water, bedding and natural light to reduce the stress levels of your pets whilst they wait to board.
The ARK will also have a 20,000-square-foot grooming spa for pampered pooches that also includes a bone-shaped canine pool.
We have to admit it looks a lot better than most departure lounges.
Images (c) Slate